For the AreaOne Summer Conference 2014 we decided to move away from our usual motion graphics for more of an organic story telling style of filming. Earlier in the year we had been attacked online by several atheists. The resulting experience led us to start challenging them head-on. We didn't want to fire back just to argue, which would most likely have been pointless. Rather, we refocused all of our efforts to compete for the hearts and minds of this upcoming generation of youth. While I have a relationship with Christ and have an understanding of just how deep and complex the Christian faith is, too often youth get a slanted story thanks to a biased media. The mocking caricatures that those in pop-culture and the media make of Christians influence youth to reject the very idea of God through the vehicle of shaming and bullying. This video is first in a series that responds to these issues and shows that there may be more to Christianity than what students have previously thought. My brother is a master mechanic that can do just about anything with a good set of tools. It's always amazed me how he can listen to an engine and know what is happening inside. This is similar to how God knows everything about us, including our hidden secrets. He built us and He knows us better than we know ourselves. This video is our first attempt at story telling and while there is much room for improvement we were generally happy with how it turned out. Next time we'll get my brother's national championship drag car for the shoot and we'll probably need a faster camera, too. Kiley Butler ![]() "Let the adventure begin..." It's a subtle change of perspective, but make no mistake that it is a choice. Those were the final words spoken at our wedding ceremony fifteen years ago. I've never been able to afford world travel for the fun of it but, I've always wanted to get the most out of this life. Think, how many years do you have on this beautiful rock? You fill in the number but chances are you won't have as long as you would like. At the end of my life I don't want regrets. I'm sure there will be some places that I wished I could have visited but I don't want regrets about opportunities or relationships that were missed. This is the adventure I want.. How many open doors or people do you run across that you know you should do something about but then don't out of fear? I'm not saying that you should take every opportunity, after all my blog is called "Listen to God...". If you are a Christian* this should be your first priority, always. I admit that my track record isn't perfect as I have held myself back many times out of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of change, fear of... there are so many fears that can paralyze and suck the joy out of life. Fear can and should be overcome. This has been a continuing mission in my own life. Christians have heard all their lives "...God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline**". Many of us mouth these words and think we believe them but living this out results in an opposite reality. A friend once challenged me with the thought that we do what we truly believe and everything else is just hot air. Every day I'm challenged to live out my beliefs and not my fears even when I would rather do something easier. What do you believe? Just look at how you live if you are unsure. I've lived in both fear and fearlessness. The life of adventure, the no-regrets life, can be had for free just by following God and not your fears. Don't misunderstand, I'm not offering you a problem-free life. If you're alive you will temporarily have dark times regardless of your belief in God. The difference is that in being obedient to your creator you will never be alone nor will you live without purpose. Following God is what gets me through the dark, difficult times and even those moments become part of my adventure. How about you? What if there is a God and if He does love and want you to follow His adventure for your life? Are you bold enough to find out? * Being a Christian is more than just calling yourself one... click here to learn more ** 2 Timothy 1.7 Passages That I Love: Jeremiah 29.11 "11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." This passage was about God reminding and reassuring Jeremiah that He had a plan and purpose for him. Jeremiah just needed to follow God and let Him take care of the plan. I love this because it's simple and I'm a pretty simple guy. Following God isn't a mystery, isn't a 12 step program or following a list of rules. It is a full-on relationship. Copyright © Gaylon Kiley Butler and All Rights Reserved. ![]() I have so many thoughts running around my head. Some are deep and some borderline crazy. Nothing is worse than a wasted mind so I'm finally going to open up and share some of these ideas in a forum where they can be absorbed, debated and accepted or rejected. Many of my observations and ideas range from the reforming the church and family to teaching youth and living a life of adventure. Regardless of the thought I would be honored if you would share your thoughts about mine. I don't know everything... in fact I know few things well but there are a some things that I'm passionate about. And, I love a conversation. Let's jump in... |
Kiley ButlerKiley is a Christ-following ministry leader, committed to serving the Lord with passion and zeal. He is also the husband of the most wonderful wife. Learn more about Kiley here. ArchivesCategoriesLegal© Kiley Butler and, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kiley Butler and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.